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The Courage in the Hidden Fortress

문예당 | 기사입력 2003/07/04 [14:20]

The Courage in the Hidden Fortress

문예당 | 입력 : 2003/07/04 [14:20]

Black Tent : Kakushi Toride-no Kimottama

English title The Courage in the Hidden Fortress

date / venue 10/12(Sat)-27(Sun) Kitasenju Event Nishiguchi Hiroba / Tent Theatre

written / directed by Yamamoto Kiyokazu
staff Costume  / Kiyoko Ogata, Music / Kiyoko Ogino, Lighting / Sigeo Saito
cast Haruhiko Saito, Kazuomi Fukuhara, Natsuko Kiritani, Hitomi Iwai, Keiko Yokota and others
ticket price 4000 yen (adv/reserved), 3500 yen (adv/unreserved), 4000 yen (door/unreserved)
ticket Black Tent/PIA(P-code:320-413)
information Black Tent Theater 03-3926-4021

In light of the idea of war as another means of doing business

, 'Mother Courage' portrays a mother and her three children accompanying

an army.

Playwright Kiyokazu Yamamoto has transposed the time and place to the

age of civil wars in Japan to presents the strength,

strangeness and sorrow of humanity in this modern comedy.

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