동영상 > 연극

Stolen [ Australia ]

문예당 | 기사입력 2003/07/04 [14:51]

Stolen [ Australia ]

문예당 | 입력 : 2003/07/04 [14:51]

Playbox: Stolen [ Australia ]  

date / venue December 12 -15, Tokyo Geijutsu Gekijo Small-Hall 2

written by Jane Harrison

directed by Wesley Enoch

cast Tammy Anderson, Elliott Maynard, Kylie Belling, Pauline Whyman, and Stan Yarramunua

ticket price 3000yen  

ticket  available from October 8

ticket Tokyo International Arts Festival (TIF),
PIA (P-code: 321-430), and e+
information Tokyo International Arts Festival (TIF)  03-5428-0337

Between 1910 and the mid-1970s, tens of thousands of Aboriginal children

were taken from their families by white people on the pretext of giving them

the same education and home environment as they had received.

What happened to them?

The playwright, the director and the actors are all of Aboriginal descent.

In English with Japanese subtitles.

  • 도배방지 이미지

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