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Indian Summer

문예당 | 기사입력 2003/07/04 [14:54]

Indian Summer

문예당 | 입력 : 2003/07/04 [14:54]

Thailand +Philippines +Hirosaki Gekijo : Indian Summer

date / venue 12/13(Fri)-15(Sun)・12/20(Fri)-23(Mon) Theatre Tram

written / directed by Koji Hasegawa

stage manager Shinji Nomura  

cast Kenji Fukushi, Seigo Hata sawa, Tharinee Songkiatthana, Banaue Cruz Miclat

ticket price 3000 yen, 2000 yen (students with ID)

ticket available from October 1st (Tue)
ticket Hirosaki Gekijo / PIA / e+ / TIF
information Tokyo International Arts Festival (TIF) 03-5428-0337

「Staff Room 5:15p.m.」

In the 'Japanese Film History Research' room of a certain regional University,

a meeting of graduates is underway.

'Yasujiro Ozu and Japanese family' is the topic for the class while a love affair between

the assistant professor and a foreign female student plays out.

The problems of Asian family and contemporary Asia are unflinchingly presented.

  • 도배방지 이미지

"5.18 유공자들에 의한 5.18 진상조사보고서, 원점에서 다시 조사하라!", 서울대에 나붙은 5.18 관련 충격 대자보 - 서울대 트루스포럼, 성창경TV