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2021년 노벨문학상에 탄자니아 소설가 압둘라자크 구르나, 일본 반응은?

무라카미 하루키 16년 간 노벨문학상 수상후보

김혜경 기자 | 기사입력 2021/10/07 [20:23]

2021년 노벨문학상에 탄자니아 소설가 압둘라자크 구르나, 일본 반응은?

무라카미 하루키 16년 간 노벨문학상 수상후보
김혜경 기자 | 입력 : 2021/10/07 [20:23]

▲ 노벨 문학상에 탄자니아 소설가 압둘라자크 구르나  © 문화예술의전당

 원본 : https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/literature/2021/gurnah/facts/

방금 전 들어온 소식입니다.


스웨덴 아카데미는  2021년 노벨 문학상 수상자로 탄자니아 출신 소설가 압둘라자크 구르나(Abdulrazak Gurnah)를 선정했다고  발표했습니다.


▲ 2021년 노벨문학상에 탄자니아 소설가 압둘라자크 구르나 , 스웨덴 아카데미 페이스북   © 문화예술의전당



The 2021 Nobel Prize in Literature is awarded to the novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah, born in Zanzibar and active in England, “for his uncompromising and compassionate penetration of the effects of colonialism and the fate of the refugee in the gulf between cultures and continents.”

Abdulrazak Gurnah was born in 1948 and grew up on the island of Zanzibar in the Indian Ocean but arrived in England as a refugee in the end of the 1960’s.


After the peaceful liberation from British colonial rule in December 1963 Zanzibar went through a revolution which, under President Abeid Karume’s regime, led to oppression and persecution of citizens of Arab origin; massacres occurred.


Gurnah belonged to the victimised ethnic group and after finishing school was forced to leave his family and flee the country, by then the newly formed Republic of Tanzania.


He was eighteen years old. Not until 1984 was it possible for him to return to Zanzibar, allowing him to see his father shortly before the father’s death. Gurnah has until his recent retirement been Professor of English and Postcolonial Literatures at the University of Kent in Canterbury, focusing principally on writers such as Wole Soyinka, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o and Salman Rushdie.

Gurnah has published ten novels and a number of short stories. The theme of the refugee’s disruption runs throughout his work.


He began writing as a 21-year-old in English exile, and even though Swahili was his first language, English became his literary tool. He has said that in Zanzibar, his access to literature in Swahili was virtually nil and his earliest writing could not strictly be counted as literature. Arabic and Persian poetry, especially ‘The Arabian Nights’, were an early and significant wellspring for him, as were the Quran’s surahs. But the English-language tradition, from Shakespeare to V. S. Naipaul, would especially mark his work. That said, it must be stressed that he consciously breaks with convention, upending the colonial perspective to highlight that of the indigenous populations. Thus, his novel ‘Desertion’ (2005) about a love affair becomes a blunt contradiction to what he has called “the imperial romance”, where a conventionally European hero returns home from romantic escapades abroad, upon which the story reaches its inevitable, tragic resolution. In Gurnah, the tale continues on African soil and never actually ends.

Gurnah’s writing is from his time in exile but pertains to his relationship with the place he had left, which means that memory is of vital importance for the genesis of his work. His debut novel, ‘Memory of Departure’, from 1987, is about a failed uprising and keeps us on the African continent. The gifted young protagonist attempts to disengage from the social blight of the coast, hoping to be taken under the wing of a prosperous uncle in Nairobi. Instead he is humiliated and returned to his broken family, the alcoholic and violent father and a sister forced into prostitution.

Gurnah often allows his carefully constructed narratives to lead up to a hard-won insight. A good example is the third novel, ‘Dottie’ (1990), a portrait of a Black woman of immigrant background growing up in harsh conditions in racially charged 1950’s England, and because of her mother’s silence lacking connection with her own family history. At the same time, she feels rootless in England, the country she was born and grew up in. The novel’s protagonist attempts to create her own space and identity through books and stories; reading gives her a chance to reconstruct herself. Not least names and name changes play a central role in a novel that shows Gurnah’s deep compassion and psychological adroitness, completely without sentimentality.

In Gurnah’s treatment of the refugee experience, focus is on identity and self-image, apparent not least in ‘Admiring Silence’ (1996) and ‘By the Sea’ (2001). In both these first-person novels silence is presented as the refugee’s strategy to shield his identity from racism and prejudice, but also as a means of avoiding a collision between past and present, producing disappointment and disastrous self-deception.

Gurnah’s dedication to truth and his aversion to simplification are striking. This can make him bleak and uncompromising, at the same time as he follows the fates of individuals with great compassion and unbending commitment. His novels recoil from stereotypical descriptions and open our gaze to a culturally diversified East Africa unfamiliar to many in other parts of the world. In Gurnah’s literary universe, everything is shifting – memories, names, identities. This is probably because his project cannot reach completion in any definitive sense. An unending exploration driven by intellectual passion is present in all his books, and equally prominent now, in ‘Afterlives’ (2020), as when he began writing as a 21-year-old refugee.

Anders Olsson
Chairman of the Nobel Committee
The Swedish Academy

Learn more: https://bit.ly/3nAYozj


일본 반응

노벨 문학상이 7 일 스웨덴 의 스톡홀름에서 발표 된 유력 후보로 기대 된 무라카미 하루키 씨 (72)는 수상을 놓쳤다.


영국을 거점으로 활동하고 세계적으로 권위있는 영국 문학상 부커상을 수상한 탄자니아 압둘라자크 구루나 씨가 수상했다.


무라카미 씨는 06 년에 노벨 문학상 지표의 하나라고하는 체코의 문학상 「프란츠 카프카 상 '을 수상했으나 이후 16 년이나 수상 후보로 지명을 받아왔다.


올해는 6 월에 에세이 「낡고 멋진 클래식 레코드들 '을 출판.


7 월에는 14 년의 단편 소설집 「여자가없는 남자들 "에 출판 된 단편 3 편을 바탕으로, 하마 구치 류스케 감독이 장편 영화로 만들어 낸 ' 드라이브 마이 카 '가 칸 영화제에서 일본 영화 최초의 각본 상을 수상했다.


1 일에는 모교 와세다 대학 국제 문학관 (무라카미 하루키 라이브러리)이 개관하는 등 큰 움직임이 이어졌지만  수상은 하지 못했다.

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